Thursday, July 10, 2008

Late Fourth of July

WOW - Two posts in 1 day! Really! I know - it's truly amazing. I'm just getting around to taking these of the camera, so I thought I'd go the extra mile and post a few of them. We spent the 4th with my Dad and Susie. They have a block party in their neighborhood and it's a lot of fun. Olly had a blast (except for the dunking booth) and even Miss Ava was pretty good all day, even though she DID NOT want to take a nap. She's so patriotic. Anyway, here are some pics.

Daddy and Ava

Mommy and Ava

Olly playing games.

Taken in the 3 seconds she left it on.

Face painting. She got a butterfly.
I got fireworks. I know you care.

Bad Blogger!

I am a horrible blogger. I know. It really is a beating to me to do any kind of journaling, but I love to read everyone elses. I'm so nosy. ANYWAY... I'm posting a few random pics:

Daddy and Ava playing with ABC magnets.

Ava making a crazy face (do not look directly at me or you may turn to stone.)

My favorite little wierdo. Scary.

Tommy LOVES having his picture taken. Can't you tell?

Thursday, June 12, 2008

My Girls

Nothing new is happening around the Boyd house, but I did take a cute video of my girls yesterday as they were playing in Ava's bedroom. Since, I haven't posted in a while, I thought I'd share this.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Ever since I started this blog, I have only ever posted Ava's pictures. I got some cute ones of just Olivia, so here are the latest and the greatest.

We were doing a photo know - look sad, look happy, look surprised, look angry, etc. Olly loves having her picture taken even more than she likes to take mine. Lucky for you, I didn't include the ones she took of me - scary! Anyway, I just felt bad for leaving Olly out of all the blogger-ific fun, so I FINALLY posted some pics of her. Aren't you thrilled?!?

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Deep Thoughts

In case you didn't notice, I've got Deep Thoughts on my sidebar. If you watched SNL int he 90's, you know what I'm talking about. You either love them, or you REALLY don't. Well, if you do find them humorous, you'll really love the new one I put up - it's always been one of my favorites. I don't know about eveyone else but I can always use a good laugh. Later!